Le guide parfait pour les acheteurs de luminaires extérieurs pour parkings


The regular operation of a place is inseparable from the help of the parking lot, and parking lot lighting plays a key role. A professional outdoor car park lighting system will leave a great first and last impression on people. Qu'il s'agisse d'un parking public ou privé, un système d’éclairage sûr et économe en énergie est crucial. If you are a parking lot lights buyer or want to know about parking lot lights, keep reading!

What is parking lot lighting?

Parking lot lighting refers to outdoor lighting installed on light poles in the parking lot. Compared with another lighting, parking lot lighting requirements are more stringent. This lighting is designed to achieve a broader, more even effect for maximum safety. Parking lot lights are often used to provide illumination, identify vehicles, and ensure safety.

What type of parking lot lights are the best? HID or LED?

What is HID?

High Intensity Discharge (CACHÉ) is the abbreviation of High Intensity Discharge Lamp. It is widely used due to its high efficiency in converting electricity to light and long rated life. The main types are mercury lamps, sodium lamps, metal halide lamps, and xenon lamps.

What is LED?

Light Emitting Diode, referred to as LED. It can efficiently convert electrical energy into light energy and has a wide range of uses in modern society, such as lighting, displays, medical devices, etc..


1. Energy cost

Afin de fournir un meilleur éclairage, le parking utilisera des lumières à très haute puissance. Selon les statistiques, le coût annuel de l'électricité d'une lampe HID d'un kilowatt est d'environ $520. Plus votre parking est grand, le coût augmentera naturellement avec cela. But LED lights consume 75% moins d'énergie que les lumières traditionnelles. There is no doubt that LED lights relieve a lot of pressure on your parking lot expenses.

2. Maintenance cost

En plus des coûts énergétiques, les frais d'entretien sont également des dépenses nécessaires. Parce que les feux de stationnement sont souvent montés sur des poteaux 15 pieds ou plus, des camions nacelles ou des élévateurs professionnels sont nécessaires pour les remplacer. Les locaux généraux ne disposent pas de cet équipement professionnel, il est donc nécessaire de rechercher des entrepreneurs pour l'inspection et l'entretien de routine. Compared to HID lights, LED lights have a longer lifespan. The average rated life of an LED is 40,000 à 50,000 heures, which means you don’t have to replace it as often, which saves a lot of money.

3. Performances d'éclairage

Éclairage de parking extérieur, la performance d’éclairage est le facteur le plus critique. Selon le type de lumières HID que vous utilisez dans votre parking, les performances d'éclairage varient. Par exemple, les lampes aux halogénures métalliques présentent une lumière blanche, et l'effet de lumière est parfait. Mais à partir du moment où la lampe est installée, le rendement lumineux diminue rapidement avec le temps. Donc, the service life of the light is greatly reduced. Au contraire, un autre sodium haute pression a un faible rendu des couleurs mais une longue durée de vie.
Compared to them, LED lights have better lighting performance. LED lights have good color rendering, et le rendement lumineux ne faiblira pas avec l'augmentation du temps.

4. Sécurité

One factor that must be considered when choosing a parking lot light is safety. Everything from horrific traffic accidents to unpredictable crimes is possible. A poorly lit parking lot is dangerous for everyone in and out. Compared with the HID lights, l'effet d'éclairage LED est meilleur. LED lights are brighter and more apparent, reducing the risks and accidents.

5. Appearance

Along with the advancement of technology and improved performance, the new LED lights have also undergone significant changes in appearance. No longer the humble little box, replaced by a more attractive appearance.

Consider installing LED lights for your outdoor parking lot!

éclairage public

You will find that LED parking lot lights are worth investing in through the above reading. LED parking lot lights can provide you with a better light source. It saves a lot of energy and minimizes your costs. Choose the most suitable LED lights for your outdoor parking area lighting!
If you decide to use LED lights for your parking lot, you need to consider some questions.

1. Zone d'éclairage

Un facteur essentiel à prendre également en compte lors du choix des feux de stationnement est la zone d'éclairage.. Vous devez déterminer où vous avez besoin d’éclairage et quelle quantité d’éclairage vous avez besoin.. Par exemple, un trottoir a besoin d'une lumière plus concentrée, et un parking plus grand nécessite une large zone d'éclairage pour assurer la sécurité. This is all determined by the shape and size of the light fixture head. Choosing the right light fixture based on the lighting area you’re considering is a prerequisite for keeping your parking lot safe and reliable.

2. Pole height and quantity

Si votre parking est grand, you will naturally need very high light poles. There will be enough coverage to illuminate the entire parking lot in this way. You need a few light poles of eleven to fifteen feet; au contraire, si c'est un petit parking, les exigences de hauteur ne sont pas si strictes. Vous pouvez choisir plusieurs poteaux de neuf ou dix pieds de haut.
En outre, you will also measure the area of the parking lot to determine the number of light poles. You may ask how to determine the spacing between light poles? Here can provide you with a general standard. If you’re placing lights 15 à 20 feet tall, 20 feet apart is best; if you’re putting lights 30 à 40 feet tall, consider 30 feet apart.

3. Température de couleur

What is color temperature? Color temperature can be described as the temperature of the color. It is one of the ways used to describe the appearance of lights. It is measured in Darwin degrees, and the range is between 1000 et 10000. The higher the Kelvin, the cooler the light; the warmer the light with the lower Kelvin.
And what is the best color temperature for parking lot lights? The following are several common color temperature application scenarios.

2500k – A warm light, even a little pinkish, often used as a mood light.
3000k – A warm white light often used in homes.
4000k – It can simulate the lighting effect of the giant sun during the day. This light is ideal for functional lighting such as desk lamps in offices and vanity lamps in bedrooms.
5000k – Much like daylight, you can see things more clearly.
5700k – Bright white light. This light can feel very cold, so it is rarely used in home lighting. It can be applied to parking lot lights.

4. Wattage and lumen

The power of the lamp is the wattage. The bigger the power, the higher the brightness. It is measured in watts.
Lumens describe the brightness of a lamp. When LED lights entered the market, lumens began to be used to measure brightness. Tout simplement, more lumens means more light.
Compared to other conventional lights, LED lights are more energy-efficient, which means you can get the same effective lumens with less energy. This can save you a lot of money. So when you choose to replace your original HID lights with LED parking lot lights, there are some replacements you need to know about.

60,000 lumens – 1500 watts – 450 watts LEDs
40,000 lumens – 1050 watts – 300 watts LEDs
20,000 lumens – 524 watts – 150 watts LEDs

5. Imperméable

Le mauvais temps est la chose la plus facile à craindre en ce qui concerne les stationnements extérieurs. Donc, the waterproofness of parking lot lights has become a problem that should be considered. S'il pleut beaucoup, votre éclairage de parking n'a pas une certaine étanchéité. Il est facilement endommagé, ce qui affecte son effet d'éclairage., et la sécurité des véhicules entrant et sortant est menacée. C'est une chose terrifiante! Choose waterproof LED lights for your parking lot!

Choose the best LED parking lot lights

1. VEGA Series


VEGA family series is a world-class success. As a kind of high-quality light, il est largement utilisé dans les zones résidentielles urbaines, zones commerciales, places de parking, autoroutes, etc.. Dans des conditions de haute température, il est résistant aux UV. Après une forte pluie, il peut évacuer l'eau de pluie et la saleté. Il dispose également d’un contrôle de température raisonnable.

2. LIBRA Series


Afin de satisfaire les clients’ besoins divers, Le fabricant de lampadaires Kanglight s'engage à leur apporter un nouvel éclairage design Libra. LIBRA Series is used on highways, routes urbaines, et rues municipales, zones commerciales, Aires résidentielles, parking, autoroutes, pistes de course à pied/vélo, etc..

3. Pisces Series


Pisces Series can be applied to any place you can think of, comme les zones commerciales, Aires résidentielles, autoroutes, etc.. It also has an excellent temperature-controlled and self-cleaning feature. Sans aucun doute, ce fut aussi un grand succès.


After reading this article, do you become interested in LED parking lot lights? En effet, LED lights have many advantages over other traditional lights. LED lights are more energy-efficient and have better lighting performance. And it can save money on your parking lot. En conclusion, choosing outdoor LED parking lot lights can meet your needs very well!
With the advancement of technology, LED lights are widely used on various occasions, such as on streets, autoroutes, places de parking, etc.. We look forward to a better future for LED lights.

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